My first system, by "Stogey" When I was just 2 years old, I got my first video games system. It was A standup arcade game of Star Wars.I was soooo happy, I had watched all the movies, and had many action figures(worth lots of money, I even have a yak-face iin the package.). I was soooooooooo mad when the delivery man came with it (whom my mom had an affair with later, but that is a completely different story) I COULD NOT REACH THE JOYSTICK, EVEN WITH A STOOL!!! It took me 5 years before I could even play it!!! But it was woth the stinkin' 5-year wait. The only thing bad is, it is broken now, because I lost and got so mad at it, that I kicked it out the window.(short temper, I suppose) ----------------True-Story-----------------------------------