[Ms. Pac-Man on the Commodore 64, by Atarisoft]
Ms. Pac-Man remains one of the most popular classic arcade games, and even today it is common to see "Mortal Kombat III" and "Ms. Pac-Man" side-by-side in the local arcade. It inspired a group of people to spend some spare time trying to beat it--the Ms. Pac-Man Mystery.
The original: Click here for the original from the June 1984 issue of Computer Games magazine
The update: Don Williams sent me the actual Ms. Pac-Man hint guide mentioned in the Ms. Pac-Man Mystery article linked above. Click here to see it! Don, one of the people featured in the original Ms. Pac-Man Mystery article, recently wrote to me to offer some history behind the group's mastery of the game and also to offer the actual hint guide! Thanks Don!
NEWEST update: Matt Green has converted the Ms. Pac-Man Project document into a PDF with many edits and new images. Click here to download it (PDF 700KB)